Become Our Franchisee Partner And Earn 50k to 1 Lakh Per Month
10 good reasons for franchising your Business
Lower Investment High Income | Simpler management | Faster Explanation | Better Market Penetration | Greater Commitment |Franchisee at Low cost with Flexible Terms and Conditions | Brand Promotion &Advertisement Support |Offline Examination Facilities | Self-Assessment Facilities | Hindi and English Self Learning Mode Study Material.
Benefits of Franchisee
If you have heard about Franchising and are wondering what the benefits might be for your business, here are 10 good reasons for franchising your Business
- Lower Investment High Income.
- Simpler management.
- Faster Explanation.
- Better Market Penetration.
- Greater Commitment.
- Franchisee at Low cost with Flexible Terms and Conditions.
- Brand Promotion &Advertisement Support.
- Offline Examination Facilities.
- Self-Assessment Facilities.
- Hindi and English Self Learning Mode Study Material.
Business Details
FCA(Fortune Computer Academy) was started in March 2014 by a team of highly qualified Director having 15 years exprience of in the same feild. We Have been successfully educating more than 2500+ students in our campuses of 2000 sq. ft.
Benefits to Franchisee
Franchisee at Low cost with Flexible Terms and Conditions.
Brand Promotion/Advertisment Support.
Well Devloped Network of Centers.
Offline Examination Facilities.
Self Assessement Facilities.
Hindi and English Self Learning and mode Study Material.
Company Support
How to run and Grow up Business
How to generate lead’s.
How to Convert Lead’s.
All India Valid Certification.
A Complete Technical and Marketing Strategy.
Job Oriented Course.
Guidance to increase Admission
Student Kit(Bag, ID, T-shirt)
Training Support
Training of Center Manager if Required.
Faculty Training.
Counselor and Tele caller Training.
Marketing Executive Training.
Why Company Support is Required
To Enhance team Building/Leadership.
To Enrich Knowledge.
To Impress the Trainees.
To Reduce Negativity.
To Solve Problems.
To Gain Confidence and Self esteem.
To set Goal
To Motivate
To Emphasis on Stress Management
To Enhance Supervisor skill
To Build Internal Capacity
To Express Capacity/ Value
Franchisee Eligibility Criteria
Your Should have minimum 700-2000 sq. Ft. Space.
You should have good rechable location.
You should have well Furnished Reception, Director Cabin, Counselor cabin, & Lab.
Lab should have at least 10 Computers.
You should have business Oriented own Marketing Team.
Franchisee Start Up Kit
FCA(Fortune Computer Academy) will Provide the Material as a Franchise Start up Kit
Franchisee/Authorization Certificate.
Center Front lit Multi Color Flex.
Information Brochure.
All Necessary Software’s.
Sample of Student Certificate.
Enquiry and Admission Form.
Student Kit 1 Set (Bag, T-shirt, ID Card).